The Power of Wealth Thinking and It's 5 Levels
The Power of Wealth Thinking and it's 5 Levels.
The 4 L's- Lack Less Limits Lies
How would you describe your Thinking towards Wealth?
Is is sabotaging your Business and Life?
a. Think Like Everyone Else.
Conforming to Average daily.
Average have an E- D- S mentality when it comes to money.
b. Think of New better Possessions.
This is Upgrade Thinking.
What message are you sending to your prospects?
c. Think of a new Bigger Larger Lifestyle.
This is Upscale Thinking.
Headed towards living the Dream Life.
Loving life, not just living life.
d. Think of a Larger Net Worth.
List your assets and subtract your expenses = Net worth.
e. Thinking of Lasting Impact and Legacy.
Looking beyond the money and net worth.
What impact and legacy will you leave?
Where are you on the scale? You can be anywhere on this scale but always be moving up and higher as that is what Millionaires do with their Thinking.
Next week- Power of Wealth Thinking Pt 2.